54LS160A/DM74LS160A, 54LS162A/DM74LS162ASynchronous Presettable BCD Decade CountersGeneral Des criptionThe 'LS160 and 'LS162 are high speed synchronous decadecounters operating in the BCD (8421) sequence. Theyare synchronously presettable for application in programmabledividers and have two types of Count Enable inputs plusa Terminal Count output for versatility in forming synchronousmultistage counters. The 'LS160 has an asynchronousMaster Reset input that overrides all other inputs and forcesthe outputs LOW. The 'LS162 has a Synchronous Resetinput that overrides counting and parallel loading and allowsall outputs to be simultaneously reset on the rising edge ofthe clock.FeaturesY Synchronous counting and loadingY High speed synchronous expansionY Typical count rate of 35 MHzY Fully edge triggered