The RT8800/B are general purpose multi-phasesynchronous buck controllers dedicating for high densitypower supply regulation. The parts implement 2, and 3buck switching stages operating in interleaved phase setautomatically. The output voltage is regulated andcontrolled following the input voltage of FB pin. With sucha single analog control, the RT8800/B provide a simple,flexible, wide-range and extreme cost-effective highdensityvoltage regulation solutions for various high-densitypower supply application. The RT8800/B multi-phasearchitecture provide high output current while maintaininglow power dissipation on power devices and low stresson input and output capacitors. The high equivalentoperating frequency also reduces the componentdimension and the output voltage ripple in load transient.RT8800/B implement both voltage and current loops toachieve good regulation, response and power stagethermal balance. The RT8800/B apply the time sharingDCR current sensing technology newly as well; with sucha topology, the RT8800/B extract the DCR of outputinductor as sense component to deliver a more preciseload line regulation and better thermal balance capability.Moreover, the parts monitor the output voltage for overcurrentand over-voltage protection; Soft-start andprogrammable under-voltage lockout are also provided toassure the safety of power system.