ZigBee Overviewpdf
1星 发布者: jasionla

2013-09-22 | 1积分 | 952.32KB |  0 次下载

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标签: ZigBee




ZigBee is a wireless standard based on IEEE802.15.4 that was developed to address the unique needs of most wireless sensing and control applicationsThe origin of the ZigBee name􀁺 The domestic honeybee, a colonial insect, lives in a hive thatcontains a queen, a few male drones, and thousands of workerbees. The survival, success, and future of the colony isdependent upon continuous communication of vital informationbetween every member of the colony.􀁺 The technique that honey bees use to communicate new-foundfood sources to other members of the colony is referred to as theZigBee Principle.􀁺 Using this silent, but powerful communication system, wherebythe bee dances in a Zig-Zag pattern, she is able to shareinformation such as the location, distance, and direction of anewly discovered food source to her fellow colony members.􀁺 Instinctively implementing the ZigBee Principle, bees around the world industriously sustain productive hives and foster future generations of colony members.

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