RF 平衡转换器Application NoteRF Balun TransformersM565V2.00IntroductionThis application note is designed to help the reader understand how balun transformers can be used in today’s RF/Microwave communication applications. There is an increasing demand for balun transformers in today’s telecommunication market and M/A-COM is leading the eld with this device. As many as six of this device can be used around any particular chip as illustrated in gure 4. M/A-COM’s balun transformer can be classied into two groups A) The ux coupled balun transformer and B) The transmission line balun transformer.Figure 3. 1:1 Transmission Line Balun TransformerDenition of TermsInsertion Loss (dB): Loss due to transmission from primary dot port to secondary dot port and secondary port. Most balun transformers are……