本文研究设计了一种基于PC 机与单片机的水下作业控制系统。本控制系统采用的是PC 机与单片机串行通讯的方式,来实现对自动工具库的可视化控制。在对本计算机控制系统进行介绍时,首先介绍了整个下位机系统的硬件电路,包括电磁阀驱动电路、伺服阀驱动电路和串行通讯电路等。并且简介了串行通讯的相关内容。在此基础上介绍了其控制程序和上位机的控制软件的编制。关键字: 水下作业;电路设计;PCAbstract: A new control system based on PC and SoC underwater work system is designed in this paper. It iscusses the computer control system. The computer control system adopts PC and single-chip computer by serial ommunication (COM),and realizes the motion of the toolkit. It is the main content of this paper. It discusses the ontrol software of PC and single-chip computer respectively. It indicates that by this control software, the auto oolkit can realize the motion in request and satisfy the request for exchange tools automatically.Keywords: Underwater Work; Circuit Design; PC