The ISL22323 integrates two digitally controlledpotentiometers (DCP), control logic and non-volatile memoryon a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometer is implemented with acombination of resistor elements and CMOS switches. Theposition of the wipers are controlled by the user through theI2C bus interface. The potentiometer has an associatedvolatile Wiper Register (WRi) and a non-volatile Initial valueRegister (IVRi) that can be directly written to and read by theuser. The contents of the WRi control the position of thecorresponding wiper. At power up the device recalls thecontents of the DCP’s IVRi to the correspondent WRi.The ISL22323 also has 13 general purpose non-volatileregisters that can be used as storage of lookup table formultiple wiper position or any other valuable information.The ISL22323 features a dual supply, that is beneficial forapplications requiring a bipolar range for DCP terminalsbetween V- and VCC.Each DCP can be used as three-terminal potentiometers oras two-terminal variable resistors in a wide variety ofapplications including control, parameter adjustments, andsignal processing.