The HMA510 is a high speed, low power CMOS 16 x 16-bitparallel multiplier accumulator capable of operating at 45nsclocked multiply-accumulate cycles. The 16-bit X and Yoperands may be specified as either two’s complement orunsigned magnitude format. Additional inputs are providedfor the accumulator functions which include: loading theaccumulator with the current product, adding or subtractingthe accumulator contents and the current product, and preloadingthe Accumulator Registers from the external inputs.All inputs and outputs are registered. The registers are allpositive edge triggered, and are latched on the rising edge ofthe associated clock signal. The 35-bit Accumulator OutputRegister is broken into three parts. The 16-bit least significantproduct (LSP), the 16-bit most significant product(MSP), and the 3-bit extended product (XTP) Registers. TheXTP and MSP Registers have dedicated output ports, whilethe LSP Register shares the Y-inputs in a multiplexed fashion.The entire 35-bit Accumulator Output Register may bepreloaded at any time through the use of the bidirectionaloutput ports and the preloaded control.