The TC1040 is a mixed-function device combining twocomparators and a voltage reference in a single 8-pinpackage. The inverting input of Comparator A and thenon-inverting input of Comparator B are internallyconnected to the reference.This increased integration allows the user to replacetwo packages, which saves space, lowers supplycurrent and increases system performance. TheTC1040 operates from two 1.5V alkaline cells down toVDD = 1.8V. It requires only 10μA typical of supplycurrent, which significantly extends battery life. A lowpower shutdown input (SHDN) disables one of thecomparators, placing its outputs in a high-impedancestate. This mode saves battery power and allowscomparator outputs to share common analog lines(multiplexing). Shutdown current is 6μA (typical).Rail-to-rail inputs and outputs allow operation from lowsupply voltages with large input and output signalswings.Packaged in an 8-Pin MSOP, the TC1040 is ideal forapplications requiring low power level detection.