Wireless Sensor Networks An OverviewWireless Sensor Networks: An OverviewVivek P. Mhatremhatre@ecn.purdue.edu http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~mhatreFor ECE 495R12/07/04School of Electrical and Computer Engineering1What can wireless do for us?Q: What can wireless do for us? 1973 A: Unwire the telephone Landlines replaced by cellphones! Q: What can wireless do for us? 1997 A: Unwire the desktop Desktops replaced by laptops! Q: What can wireless do for us? 1999 A: Manage tasks/monitor phenomena remotely2Presentation Outline What are Wireless Sensor Networks? What are their applications? Classication of sensor networks Important design challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks: EE, Networking perspective Summary3What is a Wireless Sensor Network? “Loosely” speaking, a large network of wireless computers! E……