基于构件的产品线方法在数控领域的应用:在复杂的大型数控软件系统的开发过程中,往往存在开发成本高、周期长、复用性差等特点。本文针对数控领域中的各个系统存在着大量的相似性和共同点,提出了一种面向整个数控领域的软件开发过程---基于构件的产品线方法,并提出了其产品线构架和核心资产库框架。由此实现数控领域中的大力度的软件复用、降低开发成本、缩短开发周期,并支持数控系统用户对产品的定制性要求。关键词:数控领域;软件产品线;KobrA;构件;软件复用Abstract: There are many problems in the development process of large-scale and complexCNC system, such as high cost, long period of development and poor efficiency of reusability.According to the comparability and intercommunity in each system in the domain of CNC, adevelopment model that oriented domain of CNC is introduced which is based oncomponent-based software product line method. The architecture of software product line and the architecture of core asset are given, which can enhance efficiency of software reusability, reduce cost, shorten period of development and meet the demand of user’s customization.Key words: CNC; Software Product Line; KobrA; Software Component; Reused Software