In the large family of Switch-Mode Power Suppl(SMPS) components, the recently introduced high-voltagmonolithic switchers start to play an important role. First of all because they provide an easy mean to instantaneously build an efficient off-line supply but also because their internal structure offers everything a designer needs: nternal clock, pulse-by-pulse limitaTIon, Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) etc. However, the internal MOSFET exhibits a low-energy capability body-diode which no longer protects the device against accidental avalanche. This element thus needs an adequate protecTIon network against the electromagneTIc leakage energy. This paper details what network is best adapted to the protecTIon
AN1680D Design Considerations for Clamping Networks for Very High Voltage Monolithic Offline PWM Controllers Prepared by Christophe BASSO MOTOROLA SPS BP1029 Le Mirail 31023 Toulouse France email R38010emailspsmotcom Tel 33 5 61 19 90 12 INTRODUCTION In the large family of SwitchMode Power Supply SMPS components the recently introduced highvoltage monolithic switchers start to play an important role First of all because they provide an easy mean to instantaneously build an efficient offline supp......