RF_GlossaryRF & Microwave Glossary'A' Carrier:The nonwire cellular company, that operates in radio frequencies from 824to 849 Mhz.AGC:Automatic Gain Control - A feedback control circuit which maintains thegain or output power level of an amplifier constant over a wide range ofinput signal levels.Airtime:Time spent on a cellular phone, which is usually billed to the subscriberon a per minute basis.Alumina (Aluminum Oxide, Al2O3):Alumina ceramic is used as the substrate material on which is depositedthin conductive and resistive layers for thin film microwave integratedcircuits.AM Noise:The random and/or systematic variations in output power amplitude. Usuallyexpressed in terms of dBc in a specified video bandwidth at a specifiedfrequency removed from the carrier.AM-PM Conversion:A……