现代 VLSI 开发的后端设计人员面临巨大的产品上市时间压力,尤其是对物理验证的过程而言时间更是紧张。本文结合工程经验阐述了物理验证的步骤和原理,结合Synopsys 公司的物理验证工具Hercules 的特点,提出了一种比较省时的物理验证流程,已用于实际数字调制芯片设计并流片。关键 词:集成电路物理验证 hercules 流程A Time-saving physical verification method in VLSI design Shang Hui-bin Zhang Xiao-lin(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beihang University,Beijing,100083,China)Abstract:Nowadays in VLSI design , backend design engineers are facing a time pressure from RTL to gds because ofmarket competition, especially in physical verification field. Combination of practical experience, the paperexpounds the physical verification principles and structuring, and presents a time-saving flow employing Herculestools of Synopys corporation.Key words: IC physical verification Hercules flow