The LT®6604-10 consists of two matched, fully differentialamplifi ers, each with a 4th order, 10MHz lowpass fi lter. Thefi xed frequency lowpass fi lter approximates a Chebyshevresponse. By integrating a fi lter and a differential amplifier, distortion and noise are made exceptionally low. Atunity gain, the measured in band signal-to-noise ratio isan impressive 82dB. At higher gains, the input referrednoise decreases, allowing the part to process smallerinput differential signals without signifi cantly degradingthe signal-to-noise ratio.Gain and phase are highly matched between the two channels.Gain for each channel is independently programmedusing two external resistors. The LT6604-10 enables levelshifting by providing an adjustable output common modevoltage, making it ideal for directly interfacing to ADCs.The LT6604-10 is fully specifi ed for 3V operation. Thedifferential design enables outstanding performance ata 2VP-P signal level for a single 3V supply. See the backpage of this datasheet for a complete list of related singleand dual differential amplifi ers with integrated 2.5MHz to20MHz lowpass fi lters.