The AD5260/AD5262 provide a single- or dual-channel, 256-position, digitally controlled variable resistor (VR) device.* Thesedevices perform the same electronic adjustment function as apotentiometer or variable resistor. Each channel of the AD5260/AD5262 contains a fixed resistor with a wiper contact that taps thefixed resistor value at a point determined by a digital code loadedinto the SPI-compatible serial-input register. The resistance betweenthe wiper and either end point of the fixed resistor varies linearlywith respect to the digital code transferred into the VR latch. Thevariable resistor offers a completely programmable value of resistance,between the A terminal and the wiper or the B terminal and the wiper.The fixed A to B terminal resistance of 20 kW, 50 kW, or 200 kW hasa nominal temperature coefficient of 35 ppm/∞C. Unlike the majorityof the digital potentiometers in the market, these devices can operateup to 15 V or ±5 V provided proper supply voltages are furnished.