Within the last decade, the disciplines of electrical, electronics andcomputer engineering have become so intertwined. Although it is difficultto differentiate what separates these disciplines in terms of the theory, theexperimental works related to each discipline have distinctive features,therefore, require special attention.In this laboratory, LabVIEW software has been chosen as an enablingtechnology for programming, data capturing and data analysis. Thehardware of the physical systems are monitored using the customwritten software in LabVIEW. This courseware introduces interactiveLabVIEW-based experiments into the curriculum of an Electrical Machinesand Circuits course.The overall mission of this interactive laboratory is to engage in bothdedicated and interdisciplinary research studies and training facilities whileproviding life long experimental practices in areas related to Electrical andElectronic Engineering. It is believed that the prime benefits of this lab willbe the deep understanding of electrical circuits, electrical machines andelectromechanical devices, experiencing real-time signals and controls, andobserving the limitations of the theory. However, it should be emphasisedhere that the above mission couldn’t be achieved without preliminary studyand active participation in the practical tests. The preliminary preparationshould include the study relevant section of the textbooks and the lecturenotes in the area.This laboratory is suitable for teaching the basic electrical engineeringcourses. The principal target audience is the first and the second yearelectrical engineering students. Furthermore, the VIs provided in Lab 4can be utilized to study some advance control concepts in the area of theElectrical Machines and Drives