The EL400 is a wide bandwidth, fastsettling monolithic amplifier built usingan advanced complementary bipolarprocess. This amplifier uses current-mode feedback toachieve more bandwidth at a given gain than conventionaloperational amplifiers. Designed for closed-loop gains of ±1to ±8, the EL400 has a 200MHz -3dB bandwidth (AV = +2),and 12ns settling to 0.05% while consuming only 15mA ofsupply current.The EL400 is an obvious high-performance solution for videodistribution and line-driving applications. With low 15mAsupply current, differential gain/phase of 0.02%/0.01°, and aminimum 50mA output drive, performance in these areas isassured.The EL400's settling to 0.05% in 12ns, low distortion, andability to drive capacitive loads make it an ideal flash A/Ddriver. The wide 200MHz bandwidth and extremely linearphase allow unmatched signal fidelity. D/A systems can alsobenefit from the EL400, especially if linearity and drive levelsare important.