The ISL6336, ISL6336A controls microprocessor core voltage regulation by driving up to 6 interleaved synchronous-rectified buck channels in parallel. Multiphase buck converterarchitecture uses interleaved timing to multiply channel ripplefrequency and reduce input and output ripple currents. Lowerripple results in fewer components, lower component cost,reduced power dissipation, and smaller implementation area.Microprocessor loads can generate load transients withextremely fast edge rates and require high efficiency overthe full load range. The ISL6336, ISL6336A utilizes Intersil’sproprietary Active Pulse Positioning (APP) and AdaptivePhase Alignment (APA) modulation scheme and aproprietary active phase dropping/adding and diodeemulation scheme to achieve extremely fast transientresponse with fewer output capacitors and high efficiency from light load to full load.