The AD9483 is a triple 8-bit monolithic analog-to-digitalconverter optimized for digitizing RGB graphics signals frompersonal computers and workstations. Its 140 MSPS encoderate capability and full-power analog bandwidth of 330 MHzsupports display resolutions of up to 1280 × 1024 at 75 Hz withsufficient input bandwidth to accurately acquire and digitizeeach pixel.To minimize system cost and power dissipation, the AD9483includes an internal 2.5 V reference and track-and-hold circuit.The user provides only a 5 V power supply and an encode clock.No external reference or driver components are required formany applications. The digital outputs are three-state CMOSoutputs. Separate output power supply pins support interfacingwith 3.3 V or 5 V logic.The AD9483’s encode input interfaces directly to TTL, CMOS,or positive ECL logic and will operate with single-ended ordifferential inputs. The user may select dual channel or singlechannel digital outputs. The Dual Channel (demultiplexed)