在设计以电力线载波为通信方式的楼宇控制系统时,为了应对未知和时变的电力线信道特征而提出了一套基于传输矩阵的动态路由算法。传输矩阵中可以存储由初始化算法获得的满足当前电力线信道环境的传输路径信息,后续的发送路径搜索算法可以利用上述信息求取当前环境下从主机到目标节点的最优信号传输路径。在本算法中,除主机外的其它节点都采用了相同的驱动程序,因此实现了节点的即插即用。关键词:路由算法;电力线载波通信;楼宇控制系统During the design of edifice control system adopting power line signal carrier, a dynamic routine algorithm based on transporting matrix is proposed to cope with the unknown or time-varying feature of power line channel. The information of transmission route under current power line channel, which is obtained from the initializing algorithm, is stored in transporting matrix and the stored information can be used in follow-up searching algorithm to obtain the optimal signal transmission route from host to destination node under current environment. In the proposed algorithm all nodes but the host adopt same driver, therefore the plug and play is realized for all nodes.KEY WORDS: routing algorithm;power line signal carrier; edifice control system楼宇控制系统中的电力线载波通信路由算法1.1 概述基于电力线载波通信方式的楼宇控制系统由1台设在监控室的主机和大量分布在楼宇内的终端组成。每个终端包括1 台电力线调制解调器和1个或1 组设备。主机将控制命令加载到电力线上,经过若干个调制解调器的中继后到达目标终端的调制解调器,该调制解调器收到信号并校验无误后通过中继回送给主机1 个应答信号。本文的研究目的是在不考虑调制解调器获得控制信号后如何操作设备的前提下,设计一套能在主机和调制解调器之间寻找到可靠传输路径的路由算法为表述简便,在下文中统一将主机和调制解调器称为节点,主机节点编号为0,其余节点依次编号,同时将此编号作为节点的物理ID。