Section 2– Configuration, Clocking, Low Power Modes, andInternal Memory Map1. SCCE2 RegisterIn section 2-24, in Table 2-6, the SCCE2 register should be 8 bits wide, not 16 bits as shown.Section 3 - Sytstem Integration Block1. Periodic Interrupt Timer equationIn section, in the periodic interrupt timer period equation, the "+1" should be carried through the equations.Section 5 - Signal Des cription1. Bus Request Signal des criptionIn section 5.8, the Bus Request signal is shown incorrectly in figure 5-7 an d the des cription below the figure is incorrect. The pin is shown as bidirectional, but should be an out put only.The des cription shoud read, “This signal is an open-drain output request signal from theIDMA and SDMA when the internal EC000 core is disabled.”2. Port A / Bootstrap Mode des criptionIn section 5.14 in the “NOTE” section, “To enable Boot from SCC2” should be replaced with “To enable Boot from SCC1.” The Bootstrap mode is only available on SCC1.Section 6- Electrical Characteristics1. Thermal Characteristic values (øja, øjc) In section 6.2 in the thermal characteristic table, the value for øja should read 52.8, replacing TBD; also, the value for øjc should read 10.4, replacing TBD.2. Junction Temperature (Tj) EquationIn section 6.2, the junction temperature equation should read:Tj = 70C + (5.25V*50mA*52.8C/W) = 83.9C.3. AC Electrical Specification Changes at 3.3VIn section 6.8 in the AC Electrical Specification Table, all information is for 5.0V only. The only value which changes at 3.3V is Spec 47, the Asynchronous Input Setup Time (tASI). This value should be 12ns, instead of 10ns, at both 16.67 and 20MHz. 25MHz is not supported at 3.3V.