The TC1037/TC1038/TC1039 are single, low-powercomparators designed for low-power applications.These comparators are specifically designed foroperation from a single supply. However, operationfrom dual supplies also is possible, and power supplycurrent is independent of the magnitude of the powersupply voltage. The TC1037/TC1038/TC1039 operatefromtwo 1.5V alkaline cells down to VDD = 1.8V. Activesupply current is 4μA for the TC1037/TC1038 and 6μAfor the TC1039. Input and output swing of thesedevices is rail-to-rail.An active low shutdown input, SHDN, is available onthe TC1038 and disables the comparator, placing itsoutput in a high-impedance state. The TC1038 drawsonly 0.05μA (typical) when the shutdown mode isactive.An internally biased 1.20V bandgap reference isincluded in the TC1039. The reference is accurate to2.0 percent tolerance. This reference is independent ofthe comparator in the TC1039.Packaged in a 5-Pin SOT-23A (TC1037) or 6-PinSOT-23A (TC1038/TC1039), these single comparatorsare ideal for applications requiring high integration,small size and low power.