The OPA631 and OPA632 are low power, high-speed,voltage-feedback amplifiers designed to operate on asingle +3V or +5V supply. Operation on ±5V or +10Vsupplies is also supported. The input range extendsbelow ground and to within 1V of the positive supply.Using complementary common-emitter outputs providesan output swing to within 30mV of ground and130mV of the positive supply. The high output drivecurrent and low differential gain and phase errors alsomake them ideal for single-supply consumer videoproducts.Low distortion operation is ensured by the high gainbandwidth (68MHz) and slew rate (100V/ms), makingthe OPA631 and OPA632 ideal input buffer stages to3V and 5V CMOS converters. Unlike other low power,single-supply amplifiers, distortion performance improvesas the signal swing is decreased. A low 6nVinput voltage noise supports wide dynamic range operation.Channel multiplexing or system power reductioncan be achieved using the high speed disable line.Power dissipation can be reduced to zero by taking thedisable line High.The OPA631 and OPA632 are available in an industrystandardSO-8 package. The OPA631 is also availablein an ultra-small SOT23-5 package, while the OPA632is available in the SOT23-6. Where higher full-powerbandwidth and lower distortion are required in a singlesupplyoperational amplifier, consider the OPA634and OPA635.