摘要:对一些不能求解解析解的常微分方程和偏微分方程进行精确求解是非常困难的,探讨了用MATLAB方法对此类方程进行求解,结合实例介绍了MATLAB数值计算的方法,先将物体的运动微分方程转变为一阶微分方程,再通过编程来进行常微分方程的求解.结果表明用此方法可以快速精确地计算出具体数值解.Abstract:It is dificult to find the accurate values of some ordinary differential equations and partial diferent equations that require the analytical values.This paper explores the answer to these equations by making use of MATLAB and intraduces the numerical calculation method of MATLAB in combination with examples. In this method, the diferential equation of an object'。movement is established and is converted into the first diferential equation.Then a program is made to find a value of the ordinary diferential equation. The result shows that an accurate specific value of ordinary equation can be found rapidly坊using this method.Keyw ords:M ATLAB;p rojection;o rdinaryd iferentialeq uation;p orgramMA TLA B 是矩阵工作室(MatrixLa boratory)的缩写,它是一个十分流行的通用性很强的数学软件,在数学计算软件市场占据着主导地位.工程应用中往往伴随着大量的数学计算,这些计算难以用手工精确和快捷地进行,需要借助计算机编制相应的程序做近似计算.这些需要工程人员掌握C语言或FORTRAN语言,对于大多数人来说同时具备两方面的技能有一定的困难.而MATLAB作为一个高效率的数值计算和可视化软件,只要经过短时间的学习就能学会,可以利用它轻松地完成科学计算和作图任务.