Parasitic Inductance of Multilayer Ceramic CapacitorsTECHNICAL INFORMA TIONPARASITIC INDUCTANCE OF MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITORSby Jeffrey Cain, Ph.D. AVX CorporationAbstract:The parasitic inductance of multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) is becoming more important in the decoupling of high speed digital systems. There exists conflicting data and statements on the parasitic inductance of the MLCC. This work shows the measurement techniques of the inductance parameters, focusing mainly on the fixturing needed to accurately measure the chips. The effects of various compensation and calibration methods will also be demonstrated. A comprehensive table will be shown that includes the parasitic inductance for a range of MLCCs from 0402 through 1210.PARASITIC INDUCTANCE OF MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITORSby Jeffrey Cain, Ph.D. AVX Corporati……