PNM3030_DATASHEET_V1[CBI SOC R&D Division]16F East B/D, IT Venture Tower, 78 Garakbon-dong, Sonpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-161 T : 02-2240-0800 F: 02-2242-0803Preliminary Specification[CBI SOC Business Division]12F, 8F East B/D, IT Venture Tower, 78 Garakbon-dong, Sonpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-161 T : 02-2240-0900 F: 02-2242-0801PNM3030[T-DMB Front End Solution]DATA SHEETPnpNetwork Technologies, Inc.September 2006 (Version 1.4)Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change. PnpNetwork Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to do any kind of modification in this data sheet regarding hardware or software implementations without notice.PnpNetwork Technologies, Inc. Proprietary InformationPNM3030Front-End-Solution for T-DMBRevision HistoryDate 2006. 8. 9 2006. 8. 22 Ref/Rev Ver……