IF GPS Signal Simulator Development and Verification
A software-based intermediate frequency (IF) GPS signal simulator for the L1 C/A code
signal is developed and verified in this thesis. The signal simulator is implemented in
MATLAB with some key functions coded in C to accelerate speed of operation. A
mathematical signal model is developed that expresses the digitized IF GPS signal as a
function of various errors during propagation, such as satellite clock error, ionosphere
error, and troposphere error; and user defined parameters, such as date and GPS time,
user trajectory, expected C/N0, noise density, intermediate frequency, sampling rate,
front-end bandwidth, and quantization bit. The simulator is verified by comparing the
simulated signal with the hardware-collected IF GPS signal in the time, frequency,
correlation and position domains.
Partially for the simulator verification purpose, a software GPS receiver was developed
and verified, which was used to process the simulated signal to get the pseudorange and
carrier phase measurements. The signal acquisition and tracking techniques originally
studied and verified in this thesis were used for the first generation software receiver
developed by the PLAN group of the Department of Geomatics Engineering. The
receiver consists of the following modules: signal acquisition, signal tracking, bit
synchronization, sub-frame synchronization and the navigation solution. It is verified by
using a set of real GPS signal measurements collected by a commercial hardware front-
end and comparing the tracking results and navigation solution with the corresponding
results of a hardware GPS receiver.