/*********************** (C) COPYLEFT 2010 Leafgrass *************************/
This project runs on uC/OS-II V2.52 and is based on STM32F103RBT6(ARM Cortex-M3 Core)
Take care of the configuration of project. There're some Include Paths while linking which cannot be modified.
Procedure of driving a device(IMPORTANT!!!):
1.Connect hardware correctly.
2.Prepare DEVICE_NAME.h and DEVICE_NAME.c.
3.Enable clock of related components.
4.Enable related interrupt while configure NVIC.
5.Configure related IO pins.
6.Finish test code and begin testing.
2010-06-10( original ):
Sucessfully port uCOS-II V2.52.
Add code "SysTick_CounterCmd(SysTick_Counter_Enable);" in SysTick_Configuration(), solve the problem that the program can't get into
SysTickHandler(), as below: