Microchip SAMRH71F20-EK 评估套件是用于评估 SAMRH71F20 微控制器的硬件平台。 在 Microchip 的 MPLAB® HARMONY 集成开发平台以及其他商用开发环境的支持下,该评估套件可以轻松访问 Microchip RadHard SAMRH71F20 微控制器及其航空航天专用功能集,并说明如何将该器件集成到一个 定制设计。
The ATSAMR21-LED-DRIVER is a reference platform that uses the SMART ATSAMR21 microcontroller (MCU) to drive LEDs in a constant current DC-DC step-down topology. The ATSAMR21 is an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant SOC that incorporates an ARM® Cortex® M0+ based 32-bit MCU and a 2.4GHz RF transceiver.
A reference design that demonstrates charging and discharging of two batteries/battery packs with a programmable charge voltage up to 40V. It also demonstrates how to design a battery back-up, also known as an uninteruptable power supply, where the charged batteries are used to power the system if the external voltage supply is lost.
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