Microchip SAMRH71F20-EK 评估套件是用于评估 SAMRH71F20 微控制器的硬件平台。 在 Microchip 的 MPLAB® HARMONY 集成开发平台以及其他商用开发环境的支持下,该评估套件可以轻松访问 Microchip RadHard SAMRH71F20 微控制器及其航空航天专用功能集,并说明如何将该器件集成到一个 定制设计。
The reference design demonstrates a complete 2.4GHz ZigBee IEEE 802.15.4 based compliant radio transceiver solutions and conform to FCC CFR47 part 15. The wireless SoC reference design series (RFMDs RF6505/6575/6555) are developed by the partnership between RFMD and Corporation. The RFMD device increases transmit power and sensitivity.
The ATSAMR21-LED-DRIVER is a reference platform that uses the SMART ATSAMR21 microcontroller (MCU) to drive LEDs in a constant current DC-DC step-down topology. The ATSAMR21 is an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant SOC that incorporates an ARM® Cortex® M0+ based 32-bit MCU and a 2.4GHz RF transceiver.
A reference design that demonstrates charging and discharging of two batteries/battery packs with a programmable charge voltage up to 40V. It also demonstrates how to design a battery back-up, also known as an uninteruptable power supply, where the charged batteries are used to power the system if the external voltage supply is lost.
Microchip’s 750W AC-DC Reference Design demonstrates a semi-bridgeless PFC topology followed by a peak current controlled zero-voltage switching full-bridge (ZVS FB) converter with digital slope compensation to achieve very high conversion efficiencies. This power supply can be firmware updated (including the compensator algorithm) with zero down time to the system it is powering while the
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