这是无线充电器的参考设计,工作原理为:通过电磁感应实现物体间的电能传输。使用了具有全模拟功能的RL78/G11微控制器、ISL28006电流检测放大器和HIP2106A MOSFET驱动器。
The Renesas Pet Activity Monitor is a practical reference design created in celebration of the Year of the Dog. This device can track your dog’s barking and activity, and data can be viewed and downloaded from your PC.
Renesas’ flower reference design showcases a diverse portfolio of products for broad market applications. From power management to precision analog and specialty ICs, we've got you covered for your designs.
Renesas' beverage coaster reference design showcases the Renesas Synergy S3 MCU with the ISL8202M 3A power module and several other power and analog signal chain components.
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