The Alcatraz (MAXREFDES34#) subsystem provides a reference design for securing Xilinx FPGAs to protect IP and prevent attached peripheral counterfeiting. The system implements a SHA-256 challenge-response between the FPGA and a DS28E15 secure authenticator. Boards for purchase, hardware, and firmware design files provide complete system information for rapid prototyping and development.
The MPOS-STD2 reference design is a PCI-PTS MPOS-in-a-box terminal that comes with a complete set of hardware, software, and documentation including schematics, PCB layout, 2D and 3D design files, reports from security labs.
The MAXREFDES44# subsystem provides a 1-Wire-based reference design for securing a Xilinx system-on-chip (SoC) to protect IP and prevent attached peripheral counterfeiting. The system implements a Public/Private Key 1-Wire ECDSA challenge-response between the SoC and a DS28E35 secure authenticator with on board memory. Boards for purchase, hardware, and firmware design files provide complete system information for rapid prototyping and development.
MAXREFDES143# subsystem reference design secures industrial IoT systems using a DS2465 SHA-256 Coprocessor and DS28E15 SHA-256 authenticator with 1-Wire.
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