引用: 引用 3 楼 xilidecai 的回复:
硬盘由很多盘片(platter)组成,每个盘片的每个面都有一个读写磁头。如果有N个盘片。就有2N个面,对应2N个磁头(Heads),从0、1、2 开始编号。每个盘片被划分成若干个同心圆磁道(逻辑上的,是不可见的。)每个盘片的划分规则通常是一样的。这样每个盘片的半径均为固定值R的同心圆再逻辑上形成了一个以电机主轴为轴的柱面(Cylinders),从外至里编号为0、1、2……每个盘片上的每个磁道又被划……
* dwStartSector - Logical sector to start the partition. NEXT_FREE_LOC if none
* specified. Ignored if opening existing partition.
* dwNumSectors - Number of logical sectors of the partition. USE_REMAINING_SPACE
* to indicate to take up the rest of the space on the flash for that partition (should
* only be used when creating extended partitions). This parameter is ignored
* if opening existing partition.
HANDLE BP_OpenPartition(DWORD dwStartSector, DWORD dwNumSectors, DWORD dwPartType, BOOL fActive, DWORD dwCreationFlags)