最近在使用28069的GPIO,发现连续操作相邻或相近的IO时总会不成功,GPIO的配置应该没问题,因为单步执行是没问题的,就是连续操作的时候不行。比如先把GPADAT0 =0;紧接着GPADAT1 =1;那么后面的这一次操作就是不成功的,不仅管家没有输出,连寄存器的值也不变。今天测试了一下在两个语句直接加6个NOP的时候才可以。有没有遇到类似问题的同学们啊,大家讨论一下!
回复 楼主jishuaihu 的帖子
回复 楼主jishuaihu 的帖子
If Read-Modify-Write operations are used on the GPxDAT registers, because of the delay between the output and the input of the first instruction (I1), the second instruction (I2) will read the old value and write it back.
GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO1 = 1 ; I1 performs read-modify-write of GPADAT
GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO2 = 1 ; I2 also a read-modify-write of GPADAT. ;It gets the oldvalue of GPIO1 due to the delay
The second instruction will wait for the first to finish its write due to the write-followed-by-read
protection on this peripheral frame. There will be some lag, however, between the write of (I1) and the GPxDAT bit reflecting the new value (1) on the pin. During this lag, the second instruction will read the old value of GPIO1 (0) and write it back along with the new value of GPIO2 (1). Therefore, GPIO1 pin stays low.
回复 沙发liuming759 的帖子
3.18 Pipeline Conflict Detection
是C28的Pipeline 的原因,
Chapter 4 Pipeline
This chapter describes the phases and operation of the instruction pipeline.
The chapter is primarily for readers interested in increasing the efficiency of
their programs by preventing pipeline delays.
本帖最后由 dontium 于 2013-8-5 12:59 编辑 ]