摘要:文章介绍了图形化编程语言LABVIEW 的特点,阐述了基于LABVIEW 的多功能串口调试软件
中图分类号:TN915;TP393 文献标识码:B
Serial Port Debugging and Its Data Analysis Based on LABVIEW
M A Cao—yuan. GUo Shuang—qiang。LI Guo—xin(College of Information and Electrical Engineering of CU M T.,Xuzhou 221008,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the graphical programming language LABVIEW was introduced. The main functions and design ideas of the multi—function serial port debugging software based on LABVIEW were presented. Furthermore, module of data analysis of the serial port extended from the software was introduced. Through applying,it has proved that the software of serial port debugging and data analysis based on LABVIEW has several good characters such as powerful functions,easy for use,good transplant ability and good extensibility.
Key words:virtual instrument,serial port,debugging,analysis,LABVIEW