Statements of suitability for certain applications are based on our knowledge of typical operating conditions for such applications, but are not intended to constitute - and
we specifically disclaim - any warranty concerning suitability for a specific customer application or use. This Information is intended for use only by customers who have the
requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any technical advice inferred from this Information or otherwise provided by us
with reference to the use of our products is given gratis, and we assume no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained.
随着疫情影响,移动办公、网课、“宅家经济”等需求增长旺盛,昔日被手机市场挤压的平板电脑再次迎来生机。根据IDC数据显示,在刚刚过去的第一季度,智能手机等终端设备出货量持续回落,而平板电脑市场却在逆势上扬。 市场的火热也吸引了各大厂商的关注,继荣耀、vivo先后推出自家的平板电脑后,5月23日,OPPO也发布了第二款平板OPPO Pad Air系列,一时间平板市场水花不断。 新玩家争相涌入...[详细]