The LM2657 is an adjustable 200kHz-500kHz dual channelvoltage-mode controlled high-speed synchronous buckregulator controller ideally suited for high current applications.The LM2657 requires only N-channel FETs for boththe upper and lower positions of each stage. It features linefeedforward to improve the response to input transients. Atvery light loads, the user can choose between the highefficiencyPulse-skip mode or the constant frequencyForced-PWM mode. Lossless current limiting without the useof external sense resistors is made possible by sensing thevoltage drop across the bottom FET. A unique adaptive dutycycle clamping technique is incorporated to significantly reducepeak currents under abnormal load conditions. The twoindependently programmable outputs switch 180° out ofphase (interleaved switching) reducing the input capacitorand filter requirements. The input voltage range is 4.5V to28V while the output voltages are adjustable down to 0.6V.Standard supervisory and control features include Soft-start,Power Good, output Under-voltage and Over-voltage protection,Under-voltage Lockout, and chip Enable.