The DS3514 is a programmable gamma and VCOM voltagegenerator that supports both real-time updating aswell as multibyte storage of gamma/VCOM data in onchipEEPROM memory. An independent 10-bit DAC, two10-bit data registers, and four words of EEPROM memoryare provided for each individually addressablegamma or VCOM channel. High-performance bufferamplifiers are integrated on-chip, providing rail-to-rail,low-power (400μA/gamma channel) operation. TheVCOM channel features a high current drive (> 250mApeak) and a fast-settling buffer amplifier optimized todrive the VCOM node of a wide range of TFT-LCD panels.Programming occurs through an I2C-compatible serialinterface. Interface performance and flexibility areenhanced by a pair of independently loaded data latchesper channel, as well as support for I2C speeds up to400kHz. The multitable EEPROM memory enables arich variety of display system enhancements, includingsupport for temperature or light-level dependentgamma tables, enabling of factory or field automateddisplay adjustment, and support for backlight dimmingalgorithms to reduce system power. Upon power-upand depending on mode, DAC data is selected fromEEPROM by the S0/S1 pins or from a fixed memoryaddress.ApplicationsTFT-LCD Gamma and VCOM BufferAdaptive Gamma and VCOM Adjustment (RealTime by I2C, Select EEPROM Through I2C orS0/S1 Pins)Industrial Process Control