The ADC12V170 is a high-performance CMOS analog-todigitalconverter with LVDS outputs. It is capable of convertinganalog input signals into 12-Bit digital words at rates up to 170Mega Samples Per Second (MSPS). Data leaves the chip ina DDR (Dual Data Rate) format; this allows both edges of theoutput clock to be utilized while achieving a smaller packagesize. This converter uses a differential, pipelined architecturewith digital error correction and an on-chip sample-and-holdcircuit to minimize power consumption and the external componentcount, while providing excellent dynamic performance.A unique sample-and-hold stage yields a full-powerbandwidth of 1.1 GHz. The ADC12V170 operates from dual+3.3V and +1.8V power supplies and consumes 781 mW ofpower at 170 MSPS.