The INA102 is a high-accuracy monolithic instrumentationamplifier designed for signal conditioningapplications where low quiescent power is desired.On-chip thin-film resistors provide excellent temperatureand stability performance. State-of-the-art lasertrimmingtechnology insures high gain accuracy andcommon-mode rejection while avoiding expensiveexternal components. These features make the INA102ideally suited for battery-powered and high-volumeapplications.The INA102 is also convenient to use. A gain of 1, 10,100, or 1000 may be selected by simply strapping theappropriate pins together. A gain drift of 5ppm/°C inlow gains can then be achieved without externaladjustment. When higher-than-specified CMR isrequired, CMR can be trimmed using the pins provided.In addition, balanced filtering can be accomplishedin the output stage.