This application note describes how touse the features of the ATV750 andATV750B in the ABEL (and Atmel-ABEL) and CUPL (and Atmel-CUPL)high level des cription languages. TheATV750 and ATV750B are easyupgrades from a 22V10. They offer twicethe logic density and more flexibility inthe same footprint. Both devices have 20registers and individual clock and ARproduct terms for each register. Each I/Opin has a programmable polarity controland an individual output enable productterm. Independent feedback paths fromeach register allow all of the registers tobe buried without wasting the I/O pins.For the ATV750B the registers can alsobe configured as D- or T-type and theclock can be selected as either a synchronousclock pin or a clock productterm. The ATV750 and ATV750B macrocellis shown in Figure 1.