本文研制了一个面向领域专家(温室工人)的温室控制专家系统开发平台。其知识编辑器采用图形组态的形式,使不具备专家系统编程方面专门知识的用户也能容易地输入知识经验。平台的知识编辑器与推理机把模糊控制与专家控制理论相结合,提高了系统智能化程度。实例证明了用该平台开发温室控制专家系统的可行性与优点。关键词:专家系统;知识编辑器;模糊控制;图形组态Abstract: A development tool for the greenhouse control expert system, which faces the domain experts, is designed. Its knowledge base editor induces the domain experts to input their knowledge and experience in the form of graphic configuration, without requiring them to have the knowledge of expert system programming. Expert control system and fuzzy control theories are combined together in its rule construction and inference engine parts to improve the intelligence of the platform. An example is given to prove the possibility and merits of using this platform to develop greenhouse control expert systems.Keywords: expert system; knowledge base editor; fuzzy control; graphic configuration