Abstract—Theor y is presented which 1) derives the circuit impedance
requirements to match the nonlinearity of the varactor reactance-versnsvoltage
cnrve to the tangent 0 cnrve to obtain 180° linear phase modulation
from one diode; 2) gives the value and position of a resistor to make
insertion loss invariant with phase; and 3) derives the circnit requirements
for combining two 180° diode phase modnIators in an admittance adding
network to obtain 360° phase modulation. Experiments are disclosed rising
series tuning at 1 GHz providing 360° phase modulation witbh +3.0
percent of linearity, and using shunt tuning at 5 GHz providing 360° phase
modulation within ~ 3.3 percent of linearity. A discussion is given of the
application of the modulators to the serrodyne function.
(2006-8-14 13:31 上传)
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