ARM Mali 图形处理器开发者中心系列视频
共40课时 2小时19分15秒秒
The Arm Mali Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is the number one shipping GPU in the world. In 2016, more than a billion Mali GPUs were shipped by Arm partners in a wide range of devices from the newest premium range smartphones to the latest low-power wearables. Mali is not only the most popular, but also the most scalable GPU in the world. The Mali family includes the High Performance GPU roadmap which is designed specifically to bring the highest levels of performance to premium devices with a particular emphasis on maintaining energy efficiency. In addition, the High Area Efficiency GPU roadmap focuses on delivering high quality graphics within the smallest possible area, and the Ultra-Low Power roadmap offers high quality graphics within an extremely low power budget for extended device battery-life.
Mali Video processors provide advanced video technology combined with power-efficiency and one of the smallest chip sizes in the market to offer creators of mass market mobile devices support for a wide range of video technologies. Designed to scale from 1080p60 on a single core to 4k120 on the full eight cores, all variations offer stunning HD visual quality to end users.
Mali Video processors provide advanced video technology combined with power-efficiency and one of the smallest chip sizes in the market to offer creators of mass market mobile devices support for a wide range of video technologies. Designed to scale from 1080p60 on a single core to 4k120 on the full eight cores, all variations offer stunning HD visual quality to end users.
- 课时1:ARM Mali-T658 多核图形处理器——把可视计算带进生活 (2分52秒)
- 课时2:ARM Mali-T604 图形处理器 — 把可视计算带进生活 (3分2秒)
- 课时3:减少3倍带宽需求!ARM ASTC纹理压缩技术 (43秒)
- 课时4:酷派手机上运行Cocos2D-x引擎性能测试 (3分47秒)
- 课时5:三星展讯SC8810手机超级流畅运行捕鱼达人 (2分55秒)
- 课时6:ARM图形总监演讲:ASTC纹理压缩技术 (21分49秒)
- 课时7:ARM Mali 最新 demo 演示:SeeMore (5分23秒)
- 课时8:Marmalade SDK:跨平台与高性能的完美结合 (1分24秒)
- 课时9:SoftKinetic iisu 3D 体感识别SDK (1分56秒)
- 课时10:ARM Mali SeeMore Demo【GDC13】 (1分52秒)
- 课时11:超炫本土3D游戏!成都维动云端漫步 (3分31秒)
- 课时12:ARM ASTC技术演示【GDC13】 (43秒)
- 课时13:Mali开发工具(DS-5,Debugger)演示 (2分10秒)
- 课时14:EA三星“100% Indie”计划:半年零抽成! (46秒)
- 课时15:Geomerics Enlighten实时全局照明SDK (2分42秒)
- 课时16:游戏设计团队Epic Games谈Mali (1分39秒)
- 课时17:Havok 免费游戏引擎工具Project Anarchy 【GDC13】 (2分56秒)
- 课时18:MulticoreWare:GPU 计算 【MWC13】 (3分26秒)
- 课时19:三星Chromebook(基于Mali GPU)上运行WebGL【MWC13】 (40秒)
- 课时20:Mali 演示 Synthesis Super-Resolution Scaler【MWC13】 (1分12秒)
- 课时21:零售行业的增强现实解决方案:Holition 戒指 (48秒)
- 课时22:增强现实解决方案:魔幻镜子神奇演示 (1分38秒)
- 课时23:Aztech射击游戏 (1分27秒)
- 课时24:超酷手势识别:ARM Mali HD 1080p UI 演示 (37秒)
- 课时25:Geomeric Mali 游戏演示 (54秒)
- 课时26:Valhalla OpenGL ES 2.0 游戏演示 (1分29秒)
- 课时27:霸气的3D渲染Timbuktu演示 (1分10秒)
- 课时28:ARM Mali OpenGL ES 3.0 软件开发工具包【Mali 开发】 (2分53秒)
- 课时29:ARM® Mali™ GPUs - ARM年度技术研讨会2012 (1分57秒)
- 课时30:ARM多媒体处理器部门市场副总裁Kevin Smith主题演讲 (41分16秒)
- 课时31:超炫!用ARM GPU实现手势识别 (34秒)
- 课时32:ARM Mali GPU高清解决方案,堪比游戏机! (33秒)
- 课时33:上海祝畅"一云三屏"智能推荐系统 (44秒)
- 课时34:增强现实解决方案:Metaio “增强城市“模型【GDC12】 (4分4秒)
- 课时35:实时3D!挪威Outracks演示基于ARM Mali平台的游戏 (1分2秒)
- 课时36:ARM最新8核图形处理器 Mali-450 MP (2分46秒)
- 课时37:ARM Timbuktu 1 3D渲染 (1分39秒)
- 课时38:腾讯游戏《天天飞车》和《天天酷跑》【GDC14】 (1分41秒)
- 课时39:完美世界《冰火破坏神》【GDC14】 (2分30秒)
- 课时40:搜狐畅游Genesis-3D游戏引擎【GDC14】 (4分5秒)