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- 0901 Using the re module
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课时1:0101 Welcome
课时2:0102 Understanding prerequisites for Python
课时3:0103 Using the exercise files
课时4:0201 Getting started with Hello World
课时5:0202 Selecting code with conditionals
课时6:0203 Repeating code with a loop
课时7:0204 Reusing code with a function
课时8:0205 Creating sequences with generator functions
课时9:0206 Reusing code and data with a class
课时10:0207 Greater reusability with inheritance and polymorphism
课时11:0208 Handling errors with exceptions
课时12:0301 Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Mac
课时13:0302 Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Windows
课时14:0401 Creating a main script
课时15:0402 Understanding whitespace in Python
课时16:0403 Commenting code
课时17:0404 Assigning values
课时18:0405 Selecting code and values with conditionals
课时19:0406 Creating and using functions
课时20:0407 Creating and using objects
课时21:0501 Understanding variables and objects in Python
课时22:0502 Distinguishing mutable and immutable objects
课时23:0503 Using numbers
课时24:0504 Using strings
课时25:0505 Aggregating values with lists and tuples
课时26:0506 Creating associative lists with dictionaries
课时27:0507 Finding the type and identity of a variable
课时28:0508 Specifying logical values with True and False
课时29:0601 Selecting code with if and else conditional statements
课时30:0602 Setting multiple choices with elif
课时31:0603 Understanding other strategies for multiple choices
课时32:0604 Using the conditional expression
课时33:0701 Creating loops with while
课时34:0702 Iterating with for
课时35:0703 Enumerating iterators
课时36:0704 Controlling loop flow with break continue and else
课时37:0801 Performing simple arithmetic
课时38:0802 Operating on bitwise values
课时39:0803 Comparing values
课时40:0804 Operating on Boolean values
课时41:0806 Understanding operator precedence
课时42:0901 Using the re module
课时43:0902 Searching with regular expressions
课时44:0903 Replacing with regular expressions
课时45:0904 Reusing regular expressions with re.compile
课时46:1001 Learning how exceptions work
课时47:1002 Handling exceptions
课时48:1003 Raising exceptions
课时49:1101 Defining functions
课时50:1102 Using lists of arguments
课时51:1103 Using named function arguments
课时52:1104 Returning values from functions
课时53:1105 Creating a sequence with a generator function
课时54:1201 Understanding classes and objects
课时55:1202 Using methods
课时56:1203 Using object data
课时57:1204 Understanding inheritance
课时58:1205 Applying polymorphism to classes
课时59:1206 Using generators
课时60:1207 Using decorators
课时61:1301 Understanding strings as objects
课时62:1302 Working with common string methods
课时63:1303 Formatting strings with str.format
课时64:1304 Splitting and joining strings
课时65:1305 Finding and using standard string methods
课时66:1401 Creating sequences with tuples and lists
课时67:1402 Operating on sequences with built-in methods
课时68:1403 Organizing data with dictionaries
课时69:1404 Operating on character data with bytes and byte arrays
课时70:1501 Opening files
课时71:1502 Reading and writing text files
课时72:1503 Reading and writing binary files
课时73:1601 Creating a database with SQLite 3
课时74:1602 Creating retrieving updating and deleting records
课时75:1603 Creating a database object
课时76:1701 Using standard library modules
课时77:1702 Finding third-party modules
课时78:1703 Creating a module
课时79:1801 Dealing with syntax errors
课时80:1802 Dealing with runtime errors
课时81:1803 Dealing with logical errors
课时82:1804 Using unit tests
课时83:1901 Normalizing a database interface
课时84:1902 Deconstructing a database application
课时85:1903 Displaying random entries from a database
课时86:2001 Goodbye
* 面向有经验的开发者的 Python3的快速介绍。
* 创建函数和对象
* 使用python的内置对象和类
* 使用循环和迭代来让代码循环执行
* 理解并使用条件表达式
* 用继承来创建语句
* 用对象和库来重用代码
* 使用异常来处理错误