本课程为精品课,您可以登录eeworld继续观看: Introduction to Xiaomi Vela Emulator继续观看 课时1: NuttX Status Report 课时2:Xiaomi Vela Summary of Contributions and Applications to the NuttX Community in the Past 课时3:NuttX Compliance 课时4:NuttX build system upgraded to CMake 课时5:Using NuttX on ARM64 into QEMU and Hypervisor 课时6:Efficient Protocols for IoT 课时7:Nuttx graphic subsystem enhancement 课时8:NuttX Memory Debug tools 课时9:NuttX with Small Projects and Small Company 课时10:CeDeROM Shoot Lane Comp 课时11:Status of the AMD64 x86 64 port in Apache NuttX 课时12:My porting journey 课时13:NuttX Apps with Rust 课时14:Adventures of Ox64 BL808 RISCV SBC 课时15:Analysis of Real Time Logs 课时16:Meadow OS – a NET IoT Platform based on NuttX 课时17:Spresense Development Handson 课时18:Linux to NuttX communication in Xiaomi 课时19:Towards device emulation of NuttX using QEMU, Renode and other possibilities 课时20:Introduction to Xiaomi Vela Emulator 课时21:TinyEMU RISCV Emulator 课时22:Audio Signal flow framework on Spresense with NuttX 课时23:Creating a Head Up Display for a motorcycle helmet using NuttX 课时24:Development of a compact high precision IMU board for SPRESENSE™ using multi IMU synthesi 课时25:mnemofs A NAND Flash File System 课时26:The video driver has added the v4l2m2m encoding and decoding framework 课时27:NuttX network subsystem enhancement 课时28:Exploring controlling temperature using technique of PID using NuttX 课时29:NuttX and PX4 a synergy able to generate practical UAV applications 课时30:Create your first UI project with LVGL on NuttX 课程介绍共计30课时,12小时17分17秒 NuttX Workshop 2024 These are the videos from NuttX International Workshop 2024 上传者:宋元浩 猜你喜欢 具 PFC 功能的隔离型反激式控制器可控制电压或电流 E2E 中文论坛工程师分享 - 蓝牙 5 新特性及应用 通过 FPD-Link 连接 J6 和汽车显示器 TI PFC+LLC 解决方案在工业电源中的应用 测量到底有多准 有趣的水果乐器 低频和直流操作的栅极驱动注意事项 Altium Designer 21最小系统板电子设计全流程实战教程 热门下载 【美信】MAX17135 带有VCOM放大器和温度传感器的多输出DC-DC电源 Subspace methods for system identification-2005系统辨识的子空间方法 别踩白块stm32源程序 DAC0800.PDF 传感器及其应用 MSP430芯片资料 polar cits25 软件 完整破解版 图像特征识别方法研究 D类放大器及EMI抑制 压缩空气储能技术原理_陈海生 热门帖子 网友正在看 SSL'TLS介绍 电磁学的广泛应用 PID控制器参数整定方法 抓包工具练习 1 二叉树的建立和遍历算法 栅氧漏电流 继电器实验--实验介绍 多任务访问外设操作