本课程为精品课,您可以登录eeworld继续观看: The Kalman Filter (22 of 55) Finding the Covariance Matrix, Numerical Ex. 2继续观看 课时1:The Kalman Filter (1 of 55) What is a Kalman Filter 课时2:The Kalman Filter (2 of 55) Flowchart of a Simple Example (Single Measured Value) 课时3:The Kalman Filter (3 of 55) The Kalman Gain- A Closer Look 课时4:The Kalman Filter (4 of 55) The 3 Calculations of the Kalman Filter 课时5:The Kalman Filter (5 of 55) A Simple Example of the Kalman Filter 课时6:The Kalman Filter (6 of 55) A Simple Example of the Kalman Filter (Continued) 课时7:The Kalman Filter (7 of 55) The Multi-Dimension Model 1 课时8:The Kalman Filter (8 of 55) The Multi-Dimension Model 2-The State Matrix 课时9:The Kalman Filter (9 of 55) The Multi-Dimension Model 3- The State Matrix 课时10:The Kalman Filter (10 of 55) 4- The Control Variable Matrix 课时11:The Kalman Filter (11 of 55) 5- Find the State Matrix of a Falling Object 课时12:The Kalman Filter (12 of 55) 6- Update the State Matrix 课时13:The Kalman Filter (13 of 55) 7- State Matrix of Moving Object in 2-D 课时14:The Kalman Filter (14 of 55) 8- What is the Control Variable Matrix 课时15:The Kalman Filter (15 of 55) 9- Converting from Previous to Current State 2-D 课时16:The Kalman Filter (16 of 55) 10- Converting from Previous to Current State 3-D 课时17:The Kalman Filter (17 of 55) 11- Numerical Ex. of Finding the State Matrix 1-D 课时18:The Kalman Filter (18 of 55) What is a Covariance Matrix 课时19:The Kalman Filter (19 of 55) What is a Variance-Covariance Matrix 课时20:The Kalman Filter (20 of 55) Example of Covariance Matrix and Standard Deviation 课时21:The Kalman Filter (21 of 55) Finding the Covariance Matrix, Numerical Ex. 1 课时22:The Kalman Filter (22 of 55) Finding the Covariance Matrix, Numerical Ex. 2 课时23:The Kalman Filter (23 of 55) Finding the Covariance Matrix, Numerical Example 课时24:The Kalman Filter (24 of 55) Finding the State Covariance Matrix- P= 课时25:The Kalman Filter (25 of 55) Explaining the State Covariance Matrix 课时26:The Kalman Filter (26 of 55) Flow Chart of 2-D Kalman Filter - Tracking Airplane 课时27:The Kalman Filter (27 of 55) 1. The Predicted State - Tracking Airplane 课时28:The Kalman Filter (28 of 55) 2. Initial Process Covariance - Tracking Airplane 课时29:The Kalman Filter (29 of 55) 3. Predicted Process Covariance - Tracking Airplane 课时30:The Kalman Filter (30 of 55) 4. Calculate the Kalman Gain - Tracking Airplane 课时31:The Kalman Filter (31 of 55) 5. The New Observation - Tracking Airplane 课时32:The Kalman Filter (32 of 55) 6. Calculate Current State - Tracking Airplane 课时33:The Kalman Filter (33 of 55) 7. Update Process Covariance - Tracking Airplane 课时34:The Kalman Filter (34 of 55) 8. Current Becomes Previous - Tracking Airplane 课时35:The Kalman Filter (35 of 55) 1, 2, 3 of Second Iteration - Tracking Airplane 课时36:The Kalman Filter (36 of 55) 4. Kalman Gain Second Iteration - Tracking Airplane 课时37:The Kalman Filter (37 of 55) 5, 6 of Second Iteration - Tracking Airplane 课时38:The Kalman Filter (38 of 55) 7, 8 of Second Iteration - Tracking Airplane 课时39:The Kalman Filter (39 of 55) Part 1 of Third Iteration - Tracking Airplane 课时40:The Kalman Filter (40 of 55) Part 2 of Third Iteration - Tracking Airplane 课时41:The Kalman Filter (41 of 55) Graphing 1st 3 Iterations (t vs x) - Tracking Airplane 课时42:The Kalman Filter (42 of 55) Graphing 1st 3 Iterations (t vs v) - Tracking Airpl 课程介绍共计42课时,3小时51分3秒 卡尔曼滤波器 解释什么是卡尔曼滤波器并如何使用它 上传者:木犯001号 猜你喜欢 [高精度实验室] 电机驱动 : 5 电机驱动技术 探秘谷歌和NASA量子人工智能实验室 CapTIvate<sup>TM </sup>技术软件设计快速指南 HVI系列 - 设计超高功率密度的小功率 AC-DC 电源 TAS6424-Q1 的 DC 与 AC 负载诊断功能 简化MHL信号的设计、调试和验证 变频器原理与应用 哈工大 遗传算法与应用 热门下载 [资料]-JIS S6023-2009 (追補1)办公用浆糊.pdf [资料]-JIS G1229-1994 钢.铅含量的测定方法.pdf [资料]-JIS Z3144-1996 电焊和凸焊的定期试验.pdf [资料]-JIS B0131-2002 Glossary of terms for turbopumps.pdf [-]-jis a6512-2007 movable partitions.pdf [资料]-JIS E4018-2012 鉄道車両-磁界測定方法.pdf [资料]-JIS C6870-3-2006 室外光导纤维电缆.第3部分分规范.pdf [资料]-JIS D6510-1992 旋转式扫雪车.规范的标准格式.pdf [资料]-JIS B3800-42-2005 工业自动化系统和集成.零件库.第42部分描述方法组构部件系列的方法.pdf [资料]-JIS B1044-2001 Fasteners-Electroplated coatings.pdf 热门帖子 推荐下MSP430的选型 最近在做抄表的集中器,求推荐下MSP430的哪款型号比较适合推荐下MSP430的选型MSP430F5438ATriton.zhang发表于2014-11-2412:17MSP430F5438A 谢谢 yushengjiexy quartus 13.1版,仿真时出现如图所示情况,该如何解决 quartus13.1版,仿真时出现如图所示情况,该如何解决呢\0\0\0eeworldpostqqquartus13.1版,仿真时出现如图所示情况,该如何解决modelsim的路径没有设置白丁发表于2014-11-2018:17modelsim的路径没有设置 好像是这么回事啊,谢谢指点 通通 【X-Nucleo深度评测】+晒板子喽 首先得感谢EEWORLD给了我这个荣幸可以体验ST的蓝牙板卡其次不得不说双十一的威力。我是不知道论坛是啥时把板子发出去的,但就第一个收到并在论坛发布,居然到今天才收到………………真真是强呀。废话不说,直接上图。这样看起来不错吧,但其实板子实际上是非常非常小的这是放在手上拍的下面一张跟U盘放在一起的更明显了。ok,秀图结束,具体使用情况,随后跟进,谢谢浏览!【X-Nucleo深度评测】+晒板子喽 770781327 有人研究自抗扰控制器的么?能指导一下么 请问有大神研究“自抗扰算法”么百度了一下说是由PID演化而来的,菜鸟一枚,对实现原理不大懂,有大神愿意分析下么?谢谢有人研究自抗扰控制器的么?能指导一下么抗干扰的方法很多,这个“自抗扰”的说法不够明确,实在难以猜断。抗扰,必须要看是什么类型的干扰,哪里来的干扰,干扰的性质和强度如何,没有这些数据就谈不上什么抗扰。chunyang发表于2014-11-1322:22抗干扰的方法很多,这个“自抗扰”的说法不够明确,实在难以猜断。抗扰,必须要看是什么类型的干扰,哪里来 swustlx86 一起来学LCD12864菜单程序(包含完整程序) /*-------------------------------------------项目名: 家电中央控制系统工程程序名: 显示MCU总体程序编写人: 杜洋 初写时间: 2005年9月5日晚20时程序功能:实现液晶、语音部分的人机对话和总线的通信实现方法: 用中断实现总线接收CPU说明: 89S52 12MHZ晶振接口说明: (详见 初定义)信息说明: 修改日志: NO.1- ------------------------ 程序天使 贴片电阻电容功率与尺寸对应表 贴片电阻电容功率与尺寸对应表2007-12-1816:41贴片电阻电容功率与尺寸对应表电阻封装尺寸与功率关系,通常来说:02011/20W04021/16W06031/10W08051/8W12061/4W电容电阻外形尺寸与封装的对应关系是:0402=1.0x0.50603=1.6x0.80805=2.0x1.21206=3.2x1.61210=3.2x2.51812=4.5x3.22225=5.6x6.5常规贴片电阻(部 安_然 网友正在看 结点电压法 检波原理与电路1 802 11ah MAC 4 有线通信技术 信号恢复与重构 10.1 (十) - PFC设计的电磁兼容性问题与对策(1) MDO3000基本功能介绍 集成力传感器