本课程为精品课,您可以登录eeworld继续观看: Dry etching in a gas plasma:etching anisotropy继续观看 课时1:Teaser 课时2:Successful MEMS products:accelerometer 课时3:Successful MEMS products:microphone 课时4:Successful MEMS products:BAW 课时5:Case study:thermomechanical microactuator 课时6:Cleanroom basics:introducing the issue of contamination 课时7:Cleanroom basics:cleanroom strategy 课时8:Basic principles of CVD and CVD reactors 课时9:CVD techniques at different operating pressure plasmaenhanced CVD and me 课时10:Atomic layer CVD ALD and thermal oxidation of silicon 课时11:Theoretical concepts of gas flow in CVD reactors 课时12:CVD thin film growth model 课时13:Specific CVD processes for siliconbased materials and diamond 课时14:Thermal oxidation processes of silicon and ALD deposition of specific oxid 课时15:Thermal evaporation:introduction and vapor creation 课时16:Thermal evaporation:film formation and examples 课时17:Thermal evaporation in CMi 课时18:Sputtering:introduction and plasma formation 课时19:Sputtering:spatial zones and Paschen law 课时20:Sputtering:DC RF magnetron 课时21:Sputtering:ion target interactions 课时22:Sputtering:film growth and control parameters 课时23:Sputtering:examples 课时24:Sputtering in CMi 课时25:SUPPLEMENTARY Other PVD methods 课时26:Film growth:atoms arrival and adhesion 课时27:Film growth:stress in thin films 课时28:SUPPLEMENTARY Film growth:growth modes and crystal structure 课时29:Introduction to lithography 课时30:Resist properties and exposure methods 课时31:SUPPLEMENTARY Photoresist sensitivity and modulation transfer function 课时32:UV lithography:direct writing and mask writing 课时33:UV lithography in CMi:mask fabrication 课时34:UV lithography:mask based lithography 课时35:UV lithography in CMi:mask based lithography 课时36:Electron beam lithography:tool overview 课时37:Electron beam lithography:electron optics and beam deflection 课时38:SUPPLEMENTARY Electron beam lithography:tool overview II 课时39:SUPPLEMENTARY Electron beam lithography:design preparation and fracture 课时40:Electron beam lithography:electronsample interactions 课时41:Electron beam lithography:resists 课时42:SUPPLEMENTARY Electron beam lithography:proximity effect 课时43:Alternative patterning methods:scanning probe lithography 课时44:SUPPLEMENTARY Alternative patterning methods:replication methods 课时45:Dry etching in a gas plasma:etching anisotropy 课时46:Deep dry etching of silicon dry etching without a plasma 课时47:Theoretical concepts of plasma generation 课时48:Types of dry etching equipment and plasma sources 课时49:Ion beam etching 课时50:Examples of etching processes for Sibased materials 课时51:Examples of etching processes for organic films and metals 课时52:Anisotropic and isotropic wet etching of Si and applications 课时53:HF bath for SiO2 and glass wet etching 课时54:Isotropic wet etching of silicon in the HNA bath 课时55:Anisotropic wet etching of silicon in alkaline baths 课时56:Etch stop techniques for thin membrane microfabrication and bulk micromach 课时57:Supercritical drying for realization of suspended structures test microst 课时58:Optical microscopy:inspection and dimension measurement 课时59:Optical thin film thickness measurement 课时60:Optical surface profile measurement 课时61:Mechanical surface profile measurement 课时62:Scanning electron microscopy 课时63:Focused ion beam:local cross sectional inspection and measurement 课时64:Electrical characterization 课程介绍共计64课时,11小时13分5秒 微纳加工(半导体制造工艺)瑞士联邦理工学院 本课程将在超净环境中向大家展示最有效的集成电路制造工艺,以教授半导体制造的基本原理和流程。 上传者:桂花蒸 猜你喜欢 TI 低功耗蓝牙技术与阿里云 IoT 智能生活开放平台 iLOP 的完美结合 直播回放: Microchip 安全系列28: 如何防止黑客入侵我的系统? 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